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Akagera Naational Park:

The park is set at low altitude on the border with Tanzania. It follows the meandering course of the Akagera River on its eastern part, one of the most remote tributary of the Nile. Akagera is big game reserve but the four most unique things that make it outstanding includes.


A: The bravura scenery in a savannah park: The park has plains, valleys, hills, half of the park is covered with the wetlands (six lakes inside the park with lots of profile reptiles such as the giant crocodiles, hippos etc)


B: The park is rich in wildlife wildlife species in but not in population size.


C: Is the park with the highest concentration of birds per square kilometer.


D: The park has well preserved historical sites and locations ranging from the greatest witch crafts/doctors of the country, the first route of Europeans explores to enter Rwanda and spiritual huts.